1. Find the document/notes you want to print on blackboard
1. Find the document/notes you want to print on blackboard
2. Instead of left-clicking on the document to open it, RIGHT click on it and click on “save target as”
3. This will bring up options of where to save that particular document. At the top of the dialogue box, there will be an arrow that will drop a menu and you can choose where you would like to save it. In most cases, the easiest place to save it and find it quickly is to the desktop.
4. After you have saved the document, minimize your screens, go to where you have saved it, and open it again as if you are opening a regular PowerPoint document.
5. When it opens, go to file and print. There, towards the middle of the dialogue box on the right side, it should give you the options of how you want to print the document. In the box, it will probably say “SLIDES.” Change “SLIDES” to “HANDOUTS.” Then to the right of that, it will ask how many slides you want on a page. A good number to choose is six (6) – they are small but still readable. Then press print.
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