Friday, September 7, 2007

Freshman Library Assignment

Brenda Taylor is giving this library assignment to the Freshman Seminar instructors for their students. It is a credit assignment so hopefully we will see students working on it in the library and hearing from them at the desk and via email soon. Please look over the questions that are attached so you will be familiar with the assignment. They are not all getting the same 5 activities to complete (which is why you’ll notice an OR between some of the questions). One of our main goals is to familiarize the students with asking for help at the reference desk so please be your very “nicest” and approachable self to our newbies on campus.

Class Section:

Homework Assignment Freshman Seminar Students
Directions: This assignment will require you to visit O’Kelly Library and perform 5 activities. Before leaving for the library, make sure you have your RAM card, a pen or pencil, this sheet and the titles of a few magazines or newspapers in mind for activity 2.

After you enter the O’Kelly Library building, stop, view and listen to the video playing on the flat panel screen in the foyer for several minutes. Write down one thing you learned:

Stop at the first desk you see and ask to speak to a librarian. Ask the librarian to help you find out if one of the magazines or newspapers you have in mind is online in one of the library’s databases. Write down the librarian’s name, the title of the book or newspaper and the name of the database:
Librarian’s name: _________________________________________________________

Magazine or newspaper title: ________________________________________________

Name of database: ________________________________________________________

Next, look for a computer to use on the first, second or third floor. Click on Start, then Internet to find the library’s website. Click on Library Catalog. Search the online catalog to find a book of your choice. Note the title of the book you selected and call number. Go to the shelves and find the book. Write down the call numbers of the two books on either side of your book:
Call # 1: _____________________________Call # 2: ____________________________
Next, look for a computer to use on the first, second or third floor. Click on Start, then Internet to find the library’s website. Click on Library Catalog. Search the online catalog to find a book of your choice. Write down the Location, Call # and Status of the book below. Click on Book Locations. Where is your book located in the library?
Location: _____________________________ Call#: ____________________________

Status: _______________________________ Floor: ___________________________

Go back to the library’s website and browse through some of the links. Write down 2 reasons (besides using the catalog to find a book) you would use the library website:
Reason 1. ______________________________________________________________

Reason 2._______________________________________________________________
Go back to the library’s website and click on the Departments link. Scroll down to the Archives link and click on it. Read the mission statement for Archives and in your own words briefly explain the purpose of the library’s Archives department:

Go back to the library’s website and click on Ask a Librarian. Next, click on the Ask a WSSU Librarian link. Email a question about the library’s online databases that will help you use these tools more effectively. (Example: Which database would help me find an article for my biology class about …?) Write down the question you asked:


Before leaving the library, stop by the Circulation desk and register your RAM card with the library (if you haven’t already done so) and complete a laptop and pager form. Make sure to ask what library services are now available to you. List three things you can do in the library now that you are registered.
1. ____________________________________________________________________


3. ____________________________________________________________________

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