Thursday, September 6, 2007

Access to e-resources/Dept. of Health and Human Services

Students from all over the state who work for Department of Health and Human Services cannot access our resources due to new firewalls that they added this year. Ms. George and I are in contact with their IT department and with Serials Solutions. This is an isolated case with this particular agency.

If you get phone calls and the patron is having issues, ask them if they are at one of the DHHS agencies and inform them that we are working on it. If they do not fall into this category, then it is probably the usual issue of using the wrong username or password.

Remember that the username is the beginning of the WSSU email address and the password is the Banner ID if admitted within the past two years and their social security number if they enrolled three or more years ago. For faculty it is whatever username and password they use for checking email or signing in to their computer. (This is from the Computer Help Desk, if students are unsuccessful with these procedures, then they should contact the Help Desk @ 750-3431)

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