Friday, September 7, 2007

APA Update

For those of you who teach APA, or who are asked APA questions- hold onto your hats!
This past summer APA released a revised and updated guide to the APA Style Manual. You can buy an online copy at:

This addendum includes examples to items we've always had to fudge, like blog postings, podcasts, and PPT presentations. That's the good news.
Now for the not-so-good:
The examples in the guide _replace_ the old way of citing online journal articles. You no longer list the library database or URL- instead, you are supposed to provide a DOI.
(You can read about APA's reasoning- and learn more about DOIs_ at
To some of us, it makes about as much sense as listing an ISBN in a book citation. And we're not sure how we can describe to students and faculty what a DOI is, how you use it to find articles, or even how you find it (since every vendor seems to do it differently- and I haven't found it in some).
Has anyone heard how committed to this new style APA is? It seems like a rather cumbersome change, and I don't want to try and switch our campus over- and change all our handouts and such- if it's still under discussion. (And there are those of us who are advocating we pretend we don't know about this new version!)
Spreading APA joy,

Candice Benjes-Small, MLIS
Instruction Team Leader and Reference/Instruction Librarian McConnell Library, Radford University, VA
IM: benjessmall

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